Collection Aromatique is a line of car air fresheners, designed to fit under a car seat. Becase of the foam base, these fresheners are resistant to both heating and strong cooling.
The design on this collection is vibrant and full of details. Each packaging was created in its own color scheme and with a usage of elements that reflect the core idea of each fragnance, but due to a unifying conceptual solution the entire product line of air fresheners looks balanced and bringing the same impression, despite to the diversity of aromas and a large number of products.
The foreground is ruled by a clearly readable outline with the components that characterize the aroma. The background image supports the front one, it can contrast with it or be its continuation. The collection and fragrance names and the tester are highlighted by color blocks, also the emphasize is made on the block of product advantages - ECO mark, resistance to subzero temperatures, weight.