Keeping the main impression of the current design and making the concept brighter and sharper, emphasing the brand name and making the text-block more structured and easier for understanding by key audience, that were the tasks of «Ryazanochka» flour packaging updating. Also it was necessary to take into account including the new product, «Farmer Flour», into the product line. It had to be a part of the modern product line on the one hand, but also to look quite retro, because of its specific marketing presentation, on the other hand.
Packaging visual division remained the same - photo on the top and information block beneath, but its internal feeling has changed - the packging became more imaginative, deep and full. The brand-name was emphasized with color and moved on the top of the package as a separate block. The text part was enlarged. New fonts are simple and similar to the current ones, but more firm, clear and readable. The style of the photos has also changed to the rich objective one, showing the core of the product and the value of its home use.
We used minimum details for the main design - white background, bright red block under the brand-name, different products and their key values are emphasized by blocks of various color. And for the farmer flour we added some retro-style elements and chosen a natural color-scale - grey background that stresses attention on the natural origin of the product and retro-patterns that are connected with the hystorical source of flour recipe. These options marks out the product in the brand-line, but keep the same main visual impression.
The brand looks as a harmony one, it is shown as a high-quality product, developed with love and attention to natural and organic tendencies, combining modern trands with the traditions, and the result of its usage surely brings joy and pleasure.
Unfortunately due to some specific nuances of the internal client's operations, the client had decided not to update the brand packaging. Thus the Farmer Flour was released as a separate product, with the design that doesn't count the style of the main product line and not included into it.