PARNI bakery plant came with a task of making packaging for gingerbread of six different tastes - chocolate, mint, ginger, with poppy seeds, with jam stuffing and without it. The main idea was to create maximally transparent packaging using Russian motifs, company slogan and Kamchatka logo. All the designs had to differ only by color and pattern without mentioning the product.
So this gingerbread product line design was created as a simple, compact and deep concept with the usage of patterns and elements stylized as old Russian ornaments. The design opens sufficient space for viewing the gingerbreads and helps to build up the full impression of the packaging and the product. Each taste has its own pattern, and all the colors were chosen by the client from a number of variants. All the patterns and their layout are made seamless because of taking into account such a production detail as printing without eye-marks, thus the possible vertical shift has no effect on the packaging visual acceptance.