Kaerus project figured out the completely new idea of offering tea to customers. Kaerus tea packaging contains two bags - with tea and herbal blend. And that allows customers to create the own blend in their taste, combining the needed quantity of tea and herbs. Also package contains individial filter-bags, that could be filled with blend and brewed both in cup and pot.
The tea was made as a premium product, and it was necessary to make accents on Russian origin of the tea and herbs, and use quite calm style. The die-cut of the package was constructed by the client.
Finally it was chosen simple and mild concept with neo-russian style accents. The original ornamental pattern from "Collection of Byzantine and Old Russian Patterns" of prince Gr.Gr. Gananine became the key element of the design and perfectly matched with the deep background color and natural colors of second base color, and also with marker-colors that differs herbal blends. The modified pattern curl was included into the brand logo as a leaf-vignette, forming the bloomer-like first letter.
Each item in the product line differs with color and herb blend photo. The background is printed by Pantone and covered with matte varnishig to enhance the visual impression, also the inner side of the packaging is printed with the same Pantone. Extra-effects are made with glance varnishing and embossing of the key packaging elements.