The new design of whole leaf rosebay willowherb (also known as fireweed) tea packaging, created for Altai Life Way brand, was created very bright, but also touching and heartful. The line of tea-bags packaging includes as pure rosebay willowherb tea so willowherb tea blends with different herbs - with mint, marjoram, ginger and black currant.
According to the client's request, an illustration had to be one of the priority accents of the packaging. We delivered three concepts, made due to the reference images, provided by the client, and it was chosen the variant, built around a large cup of tea and accompanying illustration.
We've selected peculiar color ranges, matcing to the tea blends, and special key words, reflecting the spirit of each tea. And also we've created the situations, reflecting the moments of life of the nice rabbits couple - specially created for the brand.